신앙의 열심을 품으라고 한 이유 (로마서 12:11)
By adding fervent in spirit, he shows how we are to attain the former; for our flesh, like the ass, is always torpid, and has
John Calvin, Commentary on Romanstherefore need of goals; and it is only the fervency of the Spirit that can correct our slothfulness. Hence diligence in doing good requires that zeal which the Spirit of God kindles in our hearts. Why then,some one may say, does Paul exhort us to cultivate this fervency? Tothis I answer, — that though itbe the gift of God, it is yet a duty enjoined the faithful to shake off sloth, and to cherish the flame kindled by heaven, as it for the most part happens, that the Spirit is suppressed and extinguished through our fault.