신앙의 열심을 품으라고 한 이유 (로마서 12:11)
By adding fervent in spirit, he shows how we are to attain the former; for our flesh, like the ass, is always torpid, and has therefore need of goals; and it is only the fervency of the Spirit that can correct our slothfulness. Hence diligence in doing good requires that zeal which the Spirit of God kindles in our hearts. Why then, some one may say, does Paul exhort us to cultivate this fervency? To this I answer, — that though it be the gift of God, it is yet a duty enjoined the faithful to shake off sloth, and to cherish the flame kindled by heaven, as it for…
Calvin on 1 Peter 4:3
But here a question arises, that Peter seems to have done wrong to many, in making all men guilty of lasciviousness, dissipation, lusts, drunkenness, and revellings; for it is certain that all were not involved in these vices; nay, we know that some among the Gentiles lived honourably and without a spot of infamy. To this I reply, that Peter does not so ascribe these vices to the Gentiles, as though he charged every individual with all these, but that we are by nature inclined to all these evils, and not only so, but that we are so much under the power of depravity, that these fruits which he mentions…
Calvin on Romans 7:24-25
And further, lest they should indulge their torpor, Paul, by his own example, stimulates them to anxious groanings, and bids them, as long as they sojourn on earth, to desire death, as the only true remedy to their evils; and this is the right object in desiring death. Despair does indeed drive the profane often to such a wish; but they strangely desire death, because they are weary of the present life, and not because they loathe their iniquity. But it must be added, that though the faithful level at the true mark, they are not yet carried away by an unbridled desire in wishing for death, but submit themselves…
Concerns on (Some) Modern Regulative Principle Proponents
Times recently ranked 3rd the “new Calvinism” as the “idea that is changing the world right now”1. I myself have been noticing this. This is quiet true in Korea; and I thank the Lord for his abundant blessings to the Christians in Korea, and raising up reformed churches there. It is worth while to note that one of the main object or reason for the Reformation was to bring back biblical worship.2 The Hebrew word “shachah” (translated “worship” in English) has a simple and clear meaning of “bowing down”; but since it is so easy for humans to understand it as a physical activity, our Lord taught us that we…
Calvin on Worship: The Necessity of Reforming The Church
Here are some schematic equations representing Calvin’s thought on worship, according to some people: “Old Testament Worship $ \overset{?}{=}$ Sacrificial Ceremonies in the Temple” and “Worship $ \overset{?}{=}$ Reading of Scripture + Prayer + Sacraments” but “Worship $\neq$ Reading of Scripture + Prayer + Sacraments + Dancing”. According to my reading of Calvin, however, he says that ‘None of the above is right.‘ His view on worship is carefully written in his letter The Necessity of Reforming the Church. And I shall quote Calvin from that letter throughout this post. In essence, what Calvin says there is that worship cannot be defined in terms of external forms; and that the…