Technology and Information: The New Sacred [기술과 정보: 새로운 신성불가침]
So much obsession with “growth, expansion of knowledge, new technology, more scientific workers,” etc. Technology and Information, as Ellul pointed out, is now the new sacred. (“How dare you question the goodness of the advancement of technology?”) People say ‘we need to do something about the gender population difference in STEM area’ so that we may have ‘adequate supply of scientific workers’. (Sigh…) Yes, we need technicians, engineers, and scientists, but why? Knowledge for knowledge sake? That’s just lust for knowledge. 현대 사회는 “성장, 지식 증가, 기술 발전, 과학 노동자 증대”에 혼이 팔려 있는 것 같다. 기술과 정보는, 엘룰이 지적했듯이, 새로운 신성불가침이다. (“어찌 감히 기술 발전의 대의에 의문을 표하는가?”) ‘과학기술…